It’s now a classic. Many people have picked this up – Mother Teresa had journaled that she did not experience God’s presence in her life for several years. My personal view is that Mother Teresa could continue to do what she was doing even though God seemed absent was because the love of God was seared deeply into her heart. God’s call to her to minister to the marginalized, the orphans, the poor, and the rejected burned with fire within her. Filled with love of God, she found strength to go on with her works. 

This evening in my reading, I found something that kind of confirmed that I’m not far wrong in my deducement. Truly, it was because Mother Teresa experienced God and his call so fully in her heart where God resided. That union ramped up her faith and faith we know need no concrete evidences. All that was ended to fuel her love of God was prayer, prayer and more prayer. 

“Do you think that I could practice charity if I did not ask Jesus every day to fill my heart with his love? Do you think that I could go through the streets looking for the poor if Jesus did not communicate the fire of his charity to my heart?”

– excerpted from “The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise” by Robert Cardinal Sarah with Nicolas Diat.